Oliver Gatchell works with Peak Advisers to deliver QuickBooks Advanced Reporting for clients

Peak Advisers is pleased to announce Mr. Oliver Gatchell is working with our team. He is a specialist who will work with clients on QuickBooks Advanced Reporting (QBAR) services for their businesses.

Oliver Gatchell

Oliver Gatchell

Mr. Gatchell is a 35-year information technology veteran with a background in computer systems, semiconductors, smart cards, security, virtualization, and cloud.

He worked for Arrow Electronics from 2003 to 2021, developing and delivering its information security compliance program to resellers, who serve the health care, financial, and public corporations, as well as to local, state, and federal agencies.

Mr. Gatchell has delivered compliance seminars and information security awareness training to the US Military and regulated entities, with a focus on identity, access management, and other specialties.

He’s now bringing his expertise and technical know-how to Peak Advisers customer who need customized reports built using the Advanced Reporting capabilities in QuickBooks Enterprise accounting software.

Go here to learn more about QuickBooks Advanced Reporting.