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New in QuickBooks Online: Invoicing functionality changes

As a trusted advisor and partner to many businesses, Peak Advisers is always at the forefront of accounting software innovations. This post aims to update you on an important upcoming QuickBooks Online change involving how you handle invoicing – a critical aspect of any business's workflow.

Goodbye old, hello new: Invoice layout update

Starting May 6, 2024, QuickBooks Online is phasing out the old invoicing layout in favor of a sleek new design. This is not just a cosmetic update – the new layout streamlines invoicing processes, incorporating user feedback and the latest usability research.

What Does This Mean for You?

After May 6, the old invoicing layout will be a thing of the past, and your account will automatically feature the new design. Don't worry – your existing data, including past invoices and estimates, will remain intact and accessible.

Early Birds Get the Ease

Can't wait to dive in? Access the new form today! Open any invoice and click Update layout to explore the new design.

Navigating the new terrain: 3 top tips

To hit the ground running with the new layout, here's a quick guide:

1. Customize Like a Pro

Locate the gear icon on your invoice screen to open the Manage panel. Here lies the power to personalize invoice templates to fit your brand's aesthetic and functional needs.

2. Actions at Your Fingertips

The Actions menu is within the Manage panel, which becomes your go-to spot for common invoicing tasks. Remember, these options become available only after saving your invoice.

3. Learn Through Videos

Peak Advisers believes in learning by seeing. That's why we’re directing you to additional video resources that outline the nuances of the new layout, ensuring you have all the support you need during this transition.

Your Experience Matters

Transitioning to an updated tool can be a mix of excitement and adjustment. Therefore, QuickBooks Online welcomes your thoughts on this new invoicing experience. Share your feedback directly within the app by clicking on Feedback.

How Peak Advisers Supports You

Our client's efficiency and comfort with their accounting tools are paramount at Peak Advisers. With this update, we stand ready to assist you in making the most of QuickBooks Online's new features. Need personalized assistance or training for your team? We're just a call away at 303-801-4772.

To learn more about how we can help with all your QuickBooks needs, visit Peak Advisers' website.